

在还没阅读劳工法令(工作时间和夜间工作 Hours of work and working at night)之前,请先了解以下两项要点:

【1】“工作时间(hours of work)”:意指一段由雇主支配, 而雇员没有自己时间和行动自由的时间。一般上雇员的休息时间是自由的,所以不能计算在“工作时间”内。

【2】“十小时延长时期(spread-over period)”:意指一段连续不断, 从工作开始算起的十个小时, 包括闲空, 休息时间在内。


不过,如果工作在十小时延长时期(spread-over period) 以外, 所有从延长时期终结时开始, 到工作终结时止的小时数, 将视为超时。

工作时间与夜间工作 Hours of work and working at night



(1)除了以下条文另有规定外, 雇员不可以在其服务契约下工作:



(c)超过一天十小时延长时期(spread-over period);



(i)对第(1)(a)款而言, 少过三十分钟的闲暇, 将不会打断连续五小时的连续性;

(ii)若雇员的工作是必须不停地进行, 和需要他不断地看顾, 雇主可叫他连续工作八小时. 不过, 在此时间中, 必须给以不少过四十五分钟时间, 让他有机会进食; 和

(iii)若雇主和雇员在服务契约有所同意, 如果一个星期里面有一天, 或多过一天的工作时间少过八小时, 其他日子可以超过八小时的限度. 不过雇员不得一天工作超过九小时, 或一星期工作超过四十五小时。

(1A)在雇主由书面申请之下, 若总监认为雇主之事业有特别情况使他必须给以准许, 他可以准许雇主与一名或多名雇员, 或其雇员的任何级别、类型或其他各种雇员签约工作超过(1)(a),(b),(c)和(d)时间限度。

不过, 总监可以在任何时间取消该批准,如果他有理由相信这样做是有利的。

(1B)任何人不满意总监之决定, 可以在收到通知后三十天内以书面方式向部长上诉。

(1C)部长可以对(1B)条之上诉作他认为公平之决定, 而他的决定或指令是最终者。

(2)在下列情况下, 雇主可以要求雇员工作超过在第(1)条款所注明的工作时限或在休息日工作::






(f)何工业事业对马来西亚经济重要的工作. 或1967年工​​业关系法令例为重要服务的工作;

不过, 总监有权审查和决定(a)至(f)款的情况下要求雇员工作是否合理。

(3)(a)凡在正常工作时间后所做的超时工作, 雇员必须得到不少于其小时工资率的一倍半工资, 无论其工资率计算标准是如何。

(b)在此条文而言, "超时"是指超过每天的正常工作时间的小时数。

不过, 如果工作在十小时延长时期(spread-over period)以外, 所有从延长时期终结时开始, 到工作终结时止的小时数, 将视为超时。

(c)对于此条文而言, 第60条文,第60D(3)(a)款和第60I条文, "正常工作时间"意指雇主与雇员在服务契约同意的每天正常工作时间, 而工作小时数不可超过第(1)条款所注明的时间限度。

(4)(a)雇主不能要求或准许雇员工作超过部长在此法令下时不时制定的条例所定下的限制. 而且在该条例下, 部长可以拟定不同限制用于各样的工人, 也可以指明某阶层,或某种的工人不受此限制之约束。

不过, 在休息日, 第60D(1)条款的公共假期,或第60D条文的任何有薪假期工作, 对本条款而言,不算是超时工作。

还有. 经过雇主, 雇员或一群雇员以书面方式申请后, 总监可以准许他们在某工业, 事业工作超过所注明的时间限制,不过总监可以附加他认为适当的条件。

(aa)任何人士对总监在(a)款下所作的决定不满者, 可以在接到通知候三十天内上诉部长。

(ab)部长在决定(aa)款的上诉时, 他可以作出他认为公平的决定或指令, 而他的决定是最终者。

(b)对于此款超时限制而言, "超时"的意义是和在第(3)(b)款之意义相同。

(5) (删除).


(7)除了在(2)(a),(b),(c),(d)和(e)款另有规定外, 雇主不能要求雇员工作超过一天十二小时。


(9)就此章而言, "工作时间"意指一段由雇主支配, 而雇员没有自己时间和行动自由的时间。



Section 60A. Hours of work and working at night

(1) Except as hereinafter provided, an employee shall not be required under his contract of service to work—

(a) more than five consecutive hours without a period of leisure of not less than thirty minutes duration;

(b) more than eight hours in one day;

(c) in excess of a spread over period of ten hours in one day;

(d) more than forty-eight hours in one week:

Provided that—

(i) for the purpose of paragraph (1)(a), any break of less than thirty minutes in the five consecutive hours shall not break the continuity of that five consecutive hours;

(ii) an employee who is engaged in work which must be carried on continuously and which requires his continual attendance may be required to work for eight consecutive hours inclusive of a period or periods of not less than forty-five minutes in the aggregate during which he shall have the opportunity to have a meal; and

(iii) where, by agreement under the contract of service between the employee and the employer, the number of hours of work on one or more days of the week is less than eight, the limit of eight hours may be exceeded on the remaining days of the week, but so that no employee shall be required to work for more than nine hours in one day or forty-five hours in one week.

(1A) The Director General may, on the written application of an employer, grant permission to the employer to enter into a contract of service with any one or more of his employees, or with any class, category or description of his employees, requiring the employee or employees, or the class, category or description of employees, as the case may be, to work in excess of the limit of hours prescribed under paragraph (1)(a), (b), (c) and (d) but subject to such conditions, if any, as the Director General may deem proper to impose, if he is satisfied that there are special circumstances pertaining to the business or undertaking of the employer which renders it necessary or expedient to grant such permission:

Provided that the Director General may at any time revoke the approval given under this subsection if he has reason to believe that it is expedient to do so.

(1B) Any person who is dissatisfied with any decision of the Director General under subsection (1A) may, within thirty days of such decision being communicated to him, appeal in writing there from to the Minister.

(1C) On an appeal made to him under subsection (1B) the Minister may make such decision or order thereon as appears just and such decision or order shall be final.

(2) An employee may be required by his employer to exceed the limit of hours prescribed in subsection (1) and to work on a rest day, in the case of—

(a) accident, actual or threatened, in or with respect to his place of work;

(b) work, the performance of which is essential to the life of the community;

(c) work essential for the defence or security of Malaysia;

(d) urgent work to be done to machinery or plant;

(e) an interruption of work which it was impossible to foresee; or

(f) work to be performed by employees in any industrial undertaking essential to the economy of Malaysia or any essential service as defined in the Industrial Relations Act 1967:

Provided that the Director General shall have the power to enquire into and decide whether or not the employer is justified in calling upon the employee to work in the circumstances specified in paragraphs (a) to (f).

(3) (a) For any overtime work carried out in excess of the normal hours of work, the employee shall be paid at a rate not less than one and half times his hourly rate of pay irrespective of the basis on which his rate of pay is fixed.

(b) In this section ―overtime‖ means the number of hours of work carried out in excess of the normal hours of work per day: 

Provided that if any work is carried out after the spread over period of ten hours, the whole period beginning from the time that the said spread over period ends up to the time that the employee ceases work for the day shall be deemed to be overtime.

(c) For the purposes of this section, section 60, paragraph 60D(3)(a) and section 60I, ―normal hours of work‖ means the number of hours of work as agreed between an employer and an employee in the contract of service to be the usual hours of work per day and such hours of work shall not exceed the limits of hours prescribed in subsection (1).

(4) (a) No employer shall require or permit an employee to work overtime exceeding such limit as may be prescribed by the Minister from time to time by regulations made under this Act, and the regulations so made may provide different limits for different classes, categories or descriptions of employees, and such regulations may also provide for such classes, categories or description of employees, as may be specified, to be excluded from their application: Provided that any work carried out on a rest day, or any of the gazetted public holidays referred to in subsection 60D(1), or on any paid holiday substituted there for under section 60D, shall not be construed as overtime work for the purposes of this subsection;

And provided further that the Director General may, on application made to him in writing by an employer or by an employee or a group of employees, permit any particular employee, or any group, class, category or description of employees in any particular industry, undertaking or establishment to work overtime in excess of the limit of hours so prescribed, subject to such conditions, if any, as he may deem proper to impose.

(aa) Any person who is dissatisfied with any decision of the Director General made under paragraph (a) may, within thirty days of such decision being communicated to him, appeal in writing therefrom to the Minister.

(ab) In deciding any appeal made to him under paragraph

(aa), the Minister may make such decision or order thereon as appears just and such decision or order shall be final.

(b) For the purposes of the restriction on overtime under this subsection ―overtime‖ shall have the meaning assigned thereto in paragraph (3)(b).

(5) (Omitted).

(6) The Minister may make regulations for the purpose of calculating the payment due for overtime to an employee employed on piece rates and prescribing matters relating to working at night.

(7) Except in the circumstances described in paragraph (2)(a),(b), (c), (d) and (e), no employer shall require any employee under any circumstances to work for more than twelve hours in any one day.

(8) This section shall not apply to employees engaged in work which by its nature involves long hours of inactive or stand-by employment.

(9) For the purposes of this Part ―hours of work‖ means the time during which an employee is at the disposal of the employer and is not free to dispose of his own time and movements.

#法律 #雇佣法令 #劳工法令


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